Kepler spacecraft reveals starquakes

Scientists attending a news meeting at Aarhus University in Denmark made the announcement of the Kepler data.

The scientists, through the Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium (KASC), highlighted two oscillating stars from the Kepler data.

Star KIC 11026764, according to the NASA article NASA'S Kepler Spacecraft Takes Pulse Of Distant Stars, “…has the most accurately known properties of any star in the Kepler field. In fact, few stars in the earth are known to similar accuracy."
"At an age of 5.94 billion years, it has grown to a little over twice the diameter of the sun and will maintain to do so as it transforms into a red giant. The oscillations reveal that this star is powered by hydrogen fusion in a thin shell around a helium-rich core."

Dr. Thomas Kallinger (Universities of British Columbia and Vienna), one of the scientists participating in the Keper studies, stated, "We are just about to enter a new part in stellar astrophysics. Kepler provides us with data of such good quality that they will vary our view of how stars work in detail."